Blogger ah Country Code Redirection Hepkhiatna (2)

Tu nungsang lamin Blogger a zangte in i theih gige lah i settle pak hetloh khat om gige a tua pen i url ah .com tawh khawl lo iin i omna coutry code tawh khawl sese hi. Gtn in hih bang hi leh ci in kei kiang ah ong kilang hi. A hang pen ka omna gam i Country code tawh tawp sak hi.

No More Country Code
No More Country Code

Tua i settle nang in Template ah pai ding hanga, Edit Html ah <head> va zong ding hihang. Tua i muh ciang in <head> nuai lian ah a nuai a code pen thuah ding hi hang.
Code pen 
<script type="text/javascript"> var blog = document.location.hostname.split("."); if (blog[blog.length - 1] != "com") { var ncr = "http://" + blog[0] + ""; window.location.replace(ncr + document.location.pathname); } </script>

Hih a Tung a pen na zat nop kei leh hih a nuai a zong kizang thei hi

  • <script type="text/javascript">
  • // Written by Amit Agarwal
  • /* Get the full URL of the current blogger page */
  • var blog = document.location.href.toLowerCase();
  • /* Do not redirect if the domain is .com already */
  • if (!blog.match(/\.blogspot\.com/)) {
  • /* Replace the country TLD with .com and ncr switch */
  • blog = blog.replace(/\.blogspot\..*?\//, "");
  • /* Redirect to the new .com URL in the current tab */
  • window.location.replace(blog);
  • }
  • // Source:
  • </script>
  • Tua na thuh khit ciangin na Template pen na Save in. Tua khitteh na Blog va en leteh cih in ong kilang diing hi.
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