GIMP Photoshop Painting

GIMP pen asau in “GNU Image Manipulation Program” hi a, Free Software acih amawkin akizangthei Raster Graphics Editor khat ahihi. Hih GIMP azatnading ngimnapi masapen ahihleh Image Retouching leh Editing Tool ding ahihi. Tuabanah Resizing, Cropping, Photomontages, Format Converting cihbanginzong kizangthei kawikawi hi. Operating System minthang ahi Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, GNU/Linux cihte khatpeuhpeuh ah kizangthei kawikawi hi.
Adobe Photoshop khawng sumtampipi bei-in ih leisangin hih amawkna akingah GIMP tawh Photo Editing kisinphotleng bangacidiam? Mailam ah ihsiamna leh akisapna tawh kizui-in lei akullehlah Adobe Photoshop zong aminthang mahmahkhat ahihteh leizongleng aleihuai veve hi.

Features and Capabilities

Adeih asinnuamte’n sumpiak kullo in hih pan ki download thei hi. Akipatcil in GIMP cihpen “General Image Manipulation Program” hizaw a, January 1996 pekpan in Initial Release akibawlkhia ahihi. 1997 kumciang GNU Project tawh ongkizop teh amin masa “G” pen asau in “GNU” tawh kilaihto a, GIMP cihciangin “GNU Image Manipulation Program” cihna onghito hi. Developers tampi-in apuahtohden uh ahih manin, mailam hunsaupi ah kizomto suaksuak lelding ahih manin azat huai mahmah Free Software khat hidingin ih lam en hi. Zomi Daily, Written on 2011-05-04


Full suite of painting tools including Brush, Pencil, Airbrush, Clone, etc.
Sub-pixel sampling for all paint tools for high quality anti-aliasing
Extremely powerful gradient editor and blend tool
Supports custom brushes and patterns


Tile based memory management so image size is limited only by available disk space
Virtually unlimited number of images open at one time

Advanced Manipulation

Full alpha channel support
Layers and channels
Multiple Undo/Redo (limited only by diskspace)
Editable text layers
Transformation tools including rotate, scale, shear and flip
Selection tools including rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy
Foreground extraction tool
Advanced path tool doing bezier and polygonal selections.
Transformable paths, transformable selections.
Quickmask to paint a selection.


A Procedural Database for calling internal GIMP functions from external programs as in Script-fu
Advanced scripting capabilities (Scheme, Python, Perl)
Plug-ins which allow for the easy addition of new file formats and new effect filters
Over 100 plug-ins already available


Load and save animations in a convenient frame-as-layer format
MNG support
Frame Navigator (in GAP, the GIMP Animation Package)
Onion Skin (in GAP, the GIMP Animation Package)
Bluebox (in GAP, the GIMP Animation Package)

File Handling

File formats supported include bmp, gif, jpeg, mng, pcx, pdf, png, ps, psd, svg, tiff, tga, xpm, and many others
Load, display, convert, save to many file formats
SVG path import/export
Much, much more!
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