H.Gin En Cin Tangthu

Camp Director and Bible Translator
“Lord, I will serve thee and you take care of my family.” 

” The disciplinary rod of parent is a priceless gold ; The pain of their beating is their loving kiss. “

Director’s Biography

What God Has Accomplished Through Dr.H.Gin En Cin [Click-NEW]

He was born on May 19, 1937, grew up in Christian family. His parents are one of the first Christians in their village. He has two sisters and a brother who was a retired pastor and now in the arms of His Master. He got married to Daw Don Khaw Hau and God provided them six children. (His Family)He was baptized on April 6, 1946 by Rev.Vial Nang, who was the first ordained pastor in Chin state.

In 1964, he began his work under Tiddim Baptist Association(TBA) as press manager of TBA press up to 1989. He could take part in God’s ministry during that time. In 1968, the Burma Council of Churches launched a project called “BIBLE FOR ADULTS” so that adults can and want to read the Bible because most of adults during that time could not read and write.Then the TBA appointed him as ‘Adult Literacy Organizer” (ALO). He was a press manager as well as ALO.

In July 1969, he received Jesus Christ as his personal savior. As an ALO, he was traveling village by village and he had priviledges to share the living Word of God, especially, how to be Born again. Some were every happy, but some, mostly who were not born again, were not.

During 1971, 72 and 73, some evangelists came from side by side, preached the Love of God and there was a great revival in Tiddim, Chin state.The pastor of Tiddim Bapstist Church, Rev.Hau Lian Kham and asst. pastorRev.Gin Khaw Thawng were also born again. Rev. Hau Lian Kham had an open air crusade and so many weresaved.But Satan was so strong.The unborns, not only they were not born again, but also they hated those who were born again, were very strong.They were chased to be killed about two times.

In 1973, Rev.Hau Lian Kham, Rev.Gin Khaw Thawng and he were sacked. Dr.Go Za Kham was also sacked from his mother church, Leilum Bapstist Church. Churches including Tiddim, Leilum and another churches of four villages were divided into two. All the born again groups did not join any denomination but they worshipped separately at the widest house of the Deacons.

In Tiddim, the sacked pastors, about 10 born again deacons including him, Mr.Gen Do, Mr.Ngul Khaw Nang and about 60 youths had a meeting. Eventually they decided to have a separate worship serviceregularly.That is the birthday of Tiddim Evangelical Baptist Church(EBC). Among youths are now Pastors, famous Preachers, serving in the EBC and AG churches.

After that there was a meeting in Tiddim, in which all born again leaders were invited hosted by Tiddim EBC. we formed-up a Conference called’Evangelical Baptist Conference’. Among that leaders, were Mr.Vul Za Thang was the Convener, Dr.Go Za Kham was Secratary, Rev Hau Lian Kham was Chairman and the other 13 members including him. That was the beginning of Evangelical Baptist Conference. About a year after they formed-up the EBC, Rev. Hau Lian Kham and his party, about 60% of the whole congregation, joined the Assemblies of God.

But God was and is with them. He heard and answered their prayers. He gave them a beautiful church from without anything, they never expected to have a church like their own church. They definitely believed that that was one of God’s great miracles in present days. They were praying for a biger church for the church became small for the congregation. God sent people them day by day. In those days their theme song is ‘My God Can Do Anything”. He really can do althrough we are very poor.

His highly skilfullness is his own language, Tiddim. After he was sacked from TBA, he was appointed to compile a Tiddim Chin text book for primary students in Tiddim Township, and at the same time he published and distributed. But in 1993, the government took his job back.

Althrough he was not God’s fultime minister, he always took part where ever and whenever he could when the church needed him. He had translated NT+OT of the English version to Tiddim Chin. Hopefully, he is awaiting for seeing his complete, translated ZIV Bible in print this very year, 2005. He had also translated; Pilgrims Progress ( not printed yet),The Story of Jesus, How to Convert Boys ans Girls, The Hand Book of Counsellors, and comic books for children which are Moses and Joshua. He as also a voluntary member of Hymn Book Committee, that Hymn Book will be used in all protestant churches in Chin state. The Roman Catholic Church in Tiddim asked him to help them and he helped them to compile their cahtholic Hymn Book.

He always enjoys to serve the Lord as much as He can. At present, he is now working hard for the extension of God’s kingdom as the Director of Harvest Camp Ministry with his beloved wife and six children in Yangon, MYANMAR.

[last upadted:2004]
[Click-NEW] He was born on May 19, 1937, grew up in Christian family. His parents are one of the first Christians in their village. He has two sisters and a brother who was a retired pastor and now in the arms of His Master. He got married to Daw Don Khaw Hau and God provided them six children. He was baptized on April 6, 1946 by Rev.Vial Nang, who was the first ordained pastor in Chin state. In 1964, he began his work under Tiddim Baptist Association(TBA) as press manager of TBA press up to 1989. He could take part in God’s ministry during that time. In 1968, the Burma Council of Churches launched a project called “BIBLE FOR ADULTS” so that adults can and want to read the Bible because most of adults during that time could not read and write.Then the TBA appointed him as ‘Adult Literacy Organizer” (ALO). He was a press manager as well as ALO.

In July 1969, he received Jesus Christ as his personal savior. As an ALO, he was traveling village by village and he had priviledges to share the living Word of God, especially, how to be Born again. Some were every happy, but some, mostly who were not born again, were not. During 1971, 72 and 73, some evangelists came from side by side, preached the Love of God and there was a great revival in Tiddim, Chin state.The pastor of Tiddim Bapstist Church, Rev.Hau Lian Kham and asst. pastor Rev.Gin Khaw Thawng were also born again. Rev. Hau Lian Kham had an open air crusade and so many were saved.But Satan was so strong.The unborns, not only they were not born again, but also they hated those who were born again, were very strong.They were chased to be killed about two times.

In 1973, Rev.Hau Lian Kham, Rev.Gin Khaw Thawng and he were sacked. Dr.Go Za Kham was also sacked from his mother church, Leilum Bapstist Church. Churches including Tiddim, Leilum and another churches of four villages were divided into two. All the born again groups did not join any denomination but they worshipped separately at the widest house of the Deacons.

In Tiddim, the sacked pastors, about 10 born again deacons including him, Mr.Gen Do, Mr.Ngul Khaw Nang and about 60 youths had a meeting. Eventually they decided to have a separate worship serviceregularly.That is the birthday of Tiddim Evangelical Baptist Church(EBC). Among youths are now Pastors, famous Preachers, serving in the EBC and AG churches. After that there was a meeting in Tiddim, in which all born again leaders were invited hosted by Tiddim EBC. we formed-up a Conference called’Evangelical Baptist Conference’. Among that leaders, were Mr.Vul Za Thang was the Convener, Dr.Go Za Kham was Secratary, Rev Hau Lian Kham was Chairman and the other 13 members including him. That was the beginning of Evangelical Baptist Conference. About a year after they formed-up the EBC, Rev. Hau Lian Kham and his party, about 60% of the whole congregation, joined the Assemblies of God. But God was and is with them. He heard and answered their prayers. He gave them a beautiful church from without anything, they never expected to have a church like their own church. They definitely believed that that was one of God’s great miracles in present days. They were praying for a biger church for the church became small for the congregation. God sent people them day by day. In those days their theme song is ‘My God Can Do Anything”. He really can do althrough we are very poor. His highly skilfullness is his own language, Tiddim. After he was sacked from TBA, he was appointed to compile a Tiddim Chin text book for primary students in Tiddim Township, and at the same time he published and distributed.

But in 1993, the government took his job back. Althrough he was not God’s fultime minister, he always took part where ever and whenever he could when the church needed him. He had translated NT+OT of the English version to Tiddim Chin.He had also translated; Pilgrims Progress ( not printed yet),The Story of Jesus, How to Convert Boys ans Girls, The Hand Book of Counsellors, and comic books for children which are Moses and Joshua. He as also a voluntary member of Hymn Book Committee, that Hymn Book will be used in all protestant churches in Chin state. The Roman Catholic Church in Tiddim asked him to help them and he helped them to compile their cahtholic Hymn Book. He always enjoys to serve the Lord as much as He can. At present, he is now working hard for the extension of God’s kingdom as the Director of Harvest Camp Ministry with his beloved wife and six children in Yangon, MYANMAR. []

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