India Kumpipa GZA in a lai khak

Memorandum submitted to the Prime Minister of India by Global Zomi Alliance, Yangon 

Dated: 17 Sep 2015

His Excellency President of India Rashtrapati Bhavan New Delhi 

Subject:   Request for immediate intervention on the atrocities perpetrated on the tribal people in Manipur  

Hon’ble Sir: 

       The Global Zomi Alliance, Yangon likes to bring the following facts for your kind perusal and necessary action: 

1.  That, on 31 August, 2015, the Manipur Legislative Assembly passed three bills, viz, The Protection of Manipur People Bill, 2015, Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms (Seventh Amendment) Bill, 2015, and Manipur Shops and Establishment (Second Amendment) Bill, 2015. The unusual hurry in which these Bills were passed without consulting the Hill Areas Committee which is mandated under Article 371C of the Indian Constitution not only violated the Constitution but also represents an insidious attempt by the State Government of Manipur to undermine and obliterate existing legal and constitutional protection especially on matters pertaining to tribal land, rights and identity. 
2.  That, this instance has sparked off a strong opposition and protest from all the tribal people of Manipur across the state. The state government, instead of accommodating tribal rights and  interest and pacifying the agitators used its naked forces to suppress unarmed protesters causing widespread atrocities, untold miseries, and human rights violation across the hills. 
3.  That, the brutal reaction of the state forces against the peaceful mass agitation has caused the loss of precious lives of ten people and several number of the agitators were left with serious injury. In a clear case of daylight repression the state forces used live bullets to disperse the protesters. This inhumane behavior brings shame on India, the largest democratic country in the world. 
4.  That, the persistence of the State to enforce the Bills despite popular protest and resistance, and its brutal suppression of the tribal agitators has exposed its real intention to grab the lands of the tribal people which have been so far protected by the Constitution of India. It also shows a clear case of the present Ibobi government’s incompetency to govern the state.
We, the Global Zomi Alliance, Yangon, therefore demand from the Government of India to: 
i.  Immediately restore the constitutional norm and order which has been violated by the State Government of Manipur and take appropriate actions, including imposition of President’s rule, to protect and safeguard tribal land, rights and identity. 
ii.  Protect the fundamental and human rights of the tribals to live with dignity. 
iii.  Give exemplary punishment to personnel(s) of the State forces involved in the brutal killing of the agitators.
iv.  Give adequate compensation to the family of those who had been killed and seriously injured including a job to one each of their family members.
v.  Immediately start dialogue with the tribals and expeditiously concedes the demand for ‘separate administration’ in the tribal areas of Manipur.  
Yours Sincerely,    

(REV. SIMON PAU KHAN EN, Ph.D) President Global Zomi Alliance, Yangon    

(REV. DO SUAN MUNG, DD) General Secretary Global Zomi Alliance, Yangon  

Copy to; - 1) Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.
2) Hon'ble Union Home Minister of India.
3) Hon'ble  Governor of Manipur  4) Hon'ble Chief Minister of Manipur.
5) His Excellency, Indian Ambassador to the Republic Union of Myanmar.
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