Hosted Apps Retirement

We wanted to be sure you were aware of some upcoming changes to the SourceForge project hosting service. One or more of your projects use the Hosted Apps service. On September 1,2012, the Hosted Apps service will reach the end of its life and be shut down. The reasons for this are discussed in the blog post, at  and in the wiki, at

Over the coming days, we'll be publishing more documents about how to migrate your apps to your own project web space, so that none of your data is lost in this transition. We want to be sure that your project can continue to operate without interruption, so if you have any concerns, difficulty with migration, or just want to chat, please send us a note(
Please watch the wiki page( further updates about this process. We'll be back in touch as it gets closer to the deadline, or if anything about the plan changes. Thanks again for being part of the SourceForge community. has made this mailing to you as a registered user of the site to convey important information regarding your account or your use of services. We make a small number of directed mailings to registered users eachyear regarding their account or data, to help preserve the security of their account or prevent loss of data or service access. 
If you have concerns about this mailing please contact our Supportteam per:
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